Weld-On’s President, Fabio Castellani, was interviewed on KCAA: Water Zone podcast - Weld-On

Weld-On’s President, Fabio Castellani, was interviewed on KCAA: Water Zone podcast

Fabio Castellani, Weld-On President, was featured on KCAA: Water Zone podcast on Thursday, May 19th, where he was interviewed by irrigation veterans Mike Baron and Rob Starr. The topics included the common misconceptions about the Ciment à base de solvants (Colle à solvants)ing process, how the term ‘quality’ applies to Ciment à base de solvants (Colle à solvants), and why choosing the right cement is essential for ensuring the success of a piping system, amongst other talking points currently relevant in the industry.

You can listen to the interview here:

Or listen to the full podcast at their website: http://podcasts.kcaastreaming.com/water/

Update: Listen to the clip below for more information about Weld-On, which was recently played on KCAA Radio.


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KCAA Radio in Southern California is an established national media brand providing its audience, advertisers, and broadcasters with a unique combination of AM and FM terrestrial radio enhanced by a massive audio and video internet distribution and podcasting network, spread over a wide variety of multimedia platforms.

À propos de Weld-On

Weld-On Adhésifs, Inc., filiale d'IPS Corporation, est le pionnier et le principal fabricant de colles à solvants, d'apprêts et de nettoyants Weld-On® pour les systèmes de tuyauterie en PVC, CPVC, ABS et autres plastiques. Les produits Weld-On sont mondialement reconnus comme des produits haut de gamme pour l'assemblage de tuyaux et raccords en plastique. Basée en Californie, Weld-On dispose d'installations de pointe aux États-Unis et en Chine, ainsi que d'un réseau mondial de représentants commerciaux et de distributeurs.