Spring Has Sprung! Landscape Ideas for Spring Lawns - Weld-On

Spring Has Sprung! Landscape Ideas for Spring Lawns

Will gardening and landscaping sales in the spring of 2021 exceed the sales records we saw last year? Gardening made history in the spring of 2020 as Burpee Seed Co. demonstrated by selling more seeds in March 2020 than at any other time in its 144-year history. Similarly, Johnny’s Selected Seed recorded a 270% increase in its spring 2020 sales.

As stay at home orders and lockdowns begin to ease, landscape trends are beginning to bloom. From creative garden styles and designs to unique flowers that bloom best in warm weather, homeowners are beginning to search for ways to beautify their homes (and we don’t blame them).

Landscape ideas for spring lawns are a great way to break a boring cycle of self-isolation and bring joy to your home. Not sure what kind of landscape ideas make sense for your lawn? Let’s dive into some of the best ideas and tips that’ll help you plan your spring landscaping so that your lawn is left as lush as possible.

Landscape Ideas for Spring

Check Out Your Patio Furniture

Whether you packed up your patio furniture for the winter or not, chances are that everything needs a good clean. Pull out your patio furniture and check for anything that needs to be repaired. When it comes time for spring cleaning, be sure to clean according to the material that the furniture is made out of.

While you’re doing this, be sure to check other areas of your lawn that might have fixtures or structures that could have been damaged or affected by the cold. This includes gazebos, light fixtures, and even your pool if you have one.

Everything in good shape? Great! Now, our first landscape idea for spring is to repaint all of your furniture. Change up your color scheme and switch from black to white for your chairs while using old curtains to make new pillow and seat covers.

Spruce Up Your Balconies

In many areas of the United States, most people actually don’t have access to their own garden or yard. That’s why we predict that spring landscaping in 2021 will be all about decorating balconies. Not only is it a great way to brighten your space, but it’s also a pretty low-maintenance way to engage in gardening.

The plants you need will depend on the style you’re interested in and the climate that you live in, but plants such as jasmine, lavender, foxglove, bamboo, eucalyptus, and peace lilies are all fantastic options that not only look great but also smell great too.

Bring the Interior Outside

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has accelerated a new trend that involves bringing interior spaces outside. After all, we can only handle being inside for so long. 

If you like the idea of having your interior living space spill out onto your patio or another area of your garden, the idea of this type of landscaping is to create a flow from one space to another. The goal should be to create a natural balance between these two spaces.

This means that the design and layout of your garden should look and feel like an extension of the same house, not a stark contrast between a modern interior and a classic garden. Some tips to achieve this include using the same types of fabrics for your patio furniture as you have in your living room and matching the colors of flowers with the colors of your home’s interior.

Fix Your Irrigation System

You can work as hard as possible to spruce up your patio furniture and plant the right kinds of trees and flowers, but if you’re not correctly watering your lawn then all of your efforts can go to waste. 

At the beginning of spring, before you even think about planting, watering, or Transparenting away your lawn from the winter, be sure to take a look at your irrigation system. If you have a traditional system that you insulated before the winter, you’ll want to take out any insulation and check the Tuyaus for damages. Repair any damage with Ciment à base de solvants (Colle à solvants) so that it doesn’t crack again. 

If you have a drip irrigation system, you’ll want to be sure to check your bubblers, drip lines, and the entire system. Turn the water on at a low pressure and check each hose for signs of wear, tear, or damage.

Design by Vibe or Color

Assuming that you’ve Transparented your lawn of any dead leaves and branches, pulled up weeds, and aerated, we suggest checking out the Plant Hardiness USDA Zone Map to figure out your region’s exact sub-climate. This will help you choose the best plants and flowers for your yard.

With that in mind, we suggest designing your landscaping plans according to vibe or color. Color is pretty straightforward and can help you create consistency between your indoor and outdoor spaces as mentioned above. When we refer to vibe, we’re talking about more of a theme, such as tropical, desert, rustic, etc.

Landscaping Year-Round

These landscape ideas for spring can certainly carry over into the other seasons, and they should! However, each season brings its own challenges and climate. If you’re unsure of what to plant in the springtime that’ll last throughout the year or how to properly irrigate your lawn, get in touch so we can recommend an expert!

À propos de Weld-On

Weld-On Adhésifs, Inc., filiale d'IPS Corporation, est le pionnier et le principal fabricant de colles à solvants, d'apprêts et de nettoyants Weld-On® pour les systèmes de tuyauterie en PVC, CPVC, ABS et autres plastiques. Les produits Weld-On sont mondialement reconnus comme des produits haut de gamme pour l'assemblage de tuyaux et raccords en plastique. Basée en Californie, Weld-On dispose d'installations de pointe aux États-Unis et en Chine, ainsi que d'un réseau mondial de représentants commerciaux et de distributeurs.