7 Landscaping Tips for Summer 2021 - Weld-On

7 conseils d'aménagement paysager pour l'été 2021

Due to lockdowns during the summer of 2020, people began gardening in record numbers. In fact, thanks to COVID-19, landscaping grew exponentially during the warmer months of 2020. 

And, people who picked up the hobby don’t have plans to stop anytime soon. One study revealed that 86% of respondents planned to continue gardening and landscaping their lawn throughout summer 2021 as well.

Similarly, Kathleen Hennessy, who helped facilitate the study, added that, “As many of us spent more time at home and more time outdoors, gardening opened the door to positive activities in a time when things looked quite grim.”

So, now that summer has arrived, it’s ushered in a new season of trends in relation to landscaping. While this is a wonderful time of year for people who enjoy being outdoors and tending to their lawn, it’s a time that can also present quite a few challenges due to the weather. But, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Put on your gardening gloves, break out those tools, and prepare to reconnect with nature as you read through our top seven landscaping tips for summer 2021.

Landscaping Tips for a Super Summer Lawn

When summer arrives, the need to tend to our lawns arises as well, mostly due to the damage caused by the intense cold of winter and, depending where you live, spring. Here are seven things to consider when looking at summer lawn landscaping this year.

1. Factor in Climate

A lot of homeowners struggle to understand why their efforts don’t seem to work year after year. Why are they left with a lackluster lawn despite tending to it with so much care? It’s usually due to the fact that they’re not paying close enough attention to the climate in their region.


So, our top landscaping tip for summer is that you get to know your region’s climate. Then, choose the appropriate plants and flowers that will withstand the weather and temperature conditions that occur during the summer season.

2. Don’t Forget to Plan

Instead of heading to the store and grabbing whichever plant or potter looks nice at the moment, take time out to plan ahead. This could include contracting the services of a professional landscaping company, asking a close friend for advice, or simply visiting your local nursery to see if they have any recommendations.

Based on what you find, develop a plan for your entire lawn. This is a good way to ensure that your efforts will create a quality, consistent look across your entire lawn. Otherwise, you risk designing a lawn that looks mismatched and jumbled. 

3. Local Pests

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your landscaping efforts are only affected by the temperature, weather, and water. Pests, wildlife, insects, and other factors can also wreak havoc on your lawn.

Take time to research the most common garden pests in your area during the summer months. Then, plan ahead if you’re going to need fences, netting, or plants that can prevent and counteract those pests.

4. Calculate Your Available Space

Once you are Transparent about what type of plants, flowers, and accessories you want in your garden and how you’ll organize your lawn to optimize your landscaping efforts, it is important to make a map of the area. 

Calculate the necessary space and then go back over it and calculate it again just so you’re sure that you have the right number. This will help ensure that you’re not planting anything near areas where pedestrians walk. And, it’ll help ensure that you’re able to accurately calculate for the future growth and maintenance of your garden.

5. Focus on Curb Appeal

There’s no doubt that the right kind of landscaping adds a lot of curb appeal to your home. This is especially true during the summer when your lawn looks luscious and green and everything is in bloom.

To enhance the natural, lush look of summer, be sure to choose plants and decorations that complement or contrast the style of your home’s exterior. This  means that, if your home is painted white, don’t choose white flowers to plant leading up to the front door; instead, choose a color that will contrast and pop. Likewise, if your home’s exterior color is very earthy and neutral, you can choose a similar color that will complement those natural colors without contrasting too much.

6. Create a Maintenance Délai

Depending on what you plant, you’ll notice that you have different Délais and tasks when it comes to lawn maintenance. This is why one of our top landscaping tips is to create a maintenance Délai. You can easily use your phone’s calendar app for this or find a separate reminder app that will help you stay on top of this Délai.

However, the idea is that you’re staying consistent with your weed control, watering, pruning, seeding, etc. If you find it hard to stay on Délai, think about contacting a professional or specialized gardening company to take care of the landscaping. 

7. Don’t Forget About Ventilation

If your lawn’s topsoil has become compact, arid, and unsuitable for the roots, consider using a specialized tool (a soil aerator) that can reverse this damage. While the best time to aerate during the summer is actually just before summer officially starts (it’s best to do it when the weather starts to change, which is towards the end of spring in most of the country), you can aerate your lawn depending on the type of grass you have. Click here for more on that.

Summer Landscaping Made Easy

When starting a landscaping project in summer, you must bear in mind that i will require not only care and attention to detail, but also dedication, time, and consistency. As long as you follow our top landscaping tips for summer, you’ll feel prepared and at ease when it comes time to do yard work.


À propos de Weld-On

Weld-On Adhésifs, Inc., filiale d'IPS Corporation, est le pionnier et le principal fabricant de colles à solvants, d'apprêts et de nettoyants Weld-On® pour les systèmes de tuyauterie en PVC, CPVC, ABS et autres plastiques. Les produits Weld-On sont mondialement reconnus comme des produits haut de gamme pour l'assemblage de tuyaux et raccords en plastique. Basée en Californie, Weld-On dispose d'installations de pointe aux États-Unis et en Chine, ainsi que d'un réseau mondial de représentants commerciaux et de distributeurs.