Weld-On’s President, Fabio Castellani, was interviewed on KCAA: Water Zone podcast - Weld-On

Weld-On’s President, Fabio Castellani, was interviewed on KCAA: Water Zone podcast

Fabio Castellani, Weld-On President, was featured on KCAA: Water Zone podcast on Thursday, May 19th, where he was interviewed by irrigation veterans Mike Baron and Rob Starr. The topics included the common misconceptions about the solvent cementing process, how the term ‘quality’ applies to solvent cement, and why choosing the right cement is essential for ensuring the success of a piping system, amongst other talking points currently relevant in the industry.

You can listen to the interview here:

Or listen to the full podcast at their website: http://podcasts.kcaastreaming.com/water/

Update: Listen to the clip below for more information about Weld-On, which was recently played on KCAA Radio.


About KCAA Radio

KCAA Radio in Southern California is an established national media brand providing its audience, advertisers, and broadcasters with a unique combination of AM and FM terrestrial radio enhanced by a massive audio and video internet distribution and podcasting network, spread over a wide variety of multimedia platforms.

Sobre Weld-On

Weld-On Adhesives, Inc., uma subsidiária da IPS Corporation, é pioneira e líder na fabricação de cimentos solventes, primers e produtos de limpeza Weld-On® para PVC, CPVC, ABS e outros sistemas de tubulação de plástico. Os produtos Weld-On são reconhecidos mundialmente como produtos premium para união de tubos e conexões de plástico. Com sede na Califórnia, a Weld-On possui operações de última geração nos Estados Unidos, bem como na China, e uma rede mundial de representantes de vendas e distribuidores.
